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Lore> Backstory
> Relationships
> Trivia
> Azem
> Modern AU (Twitter)
> Pronunciation Guide
I add more to these sections as I develop his character, so they're all works in progress! Many of the sections contain spoilers, so please read with caution if you're not caught up.

ProfileName: Mikh'a Rintala
Nicknames: Mikha, Mika, Meerkat
Age: 22 (ARR), 27 (DT)
Gender: Cisgender male (he/him)
Orientation: Bisexual, open to polyamory
Partner(s): G'raha Tia and Mara Kaminagi
Family: Mother, father, daughter named Rhemi (age 3 in ARR, 8 in DT), 5 aunts, many cousins, HUGE family
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon with a Seeker of the Sun father
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (11/25), but he doesn't know the exact date
City-state: Gridania, his family owns a farm deep in the Black Shroud
Guardian Deity: Nophica, the Matron
Grand Company: Canonically none
Canon Jobs: DNC, DRG, PLD, WHM, DRK, RDM, SGE, (former) BRD (see tier list on Twitter)
Titles: Hope's Legacy, Of Virtuous Deeds, Trusted Friend, Philanthropist, The Red, Defender of Eorzea
OC About Me: Twitter
OC Traits: Twitter
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Build: Small, "compact" build due to his height; solid, muscular, but without visible abs; strong arms, shoulders, core, and legs; built for farm work and hunting (see: Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi)
Skin tone: White, tan (#C9A99C in game)
Hair Color: Dark crimson (#521B15) with slightly lighter red highlights (#5E180D), and dark ear tips
Eye Color: Dark blue (#2A3750)
Scars/marks: Small scar on his left cheek, his fingers and the palms of his hands are badly scarred
Facial hair: A little bit of scruff on his chin
Piercings: One piercing in each ear; usually wears small silver hoop earrings
Clothing: Prefers practical clothing that doesn't restrict his movement or get in the way, typically in darker shades of red, green, grey, or black. He feels shy about showing too much skin.
Playful, jovial, and affectionate. Usually straightforward, he has a hard time concealing his true feelings and appreciates those who wear their heart on their sleeve. Enjoys mischief when it's not inconveniencing anyone or distracting from the task at hand. Though he find politics and paperwork boring, he is a skilled mediator when required. He does not like to harm others if harm can be avoided, but is a skilled and remorseless assassin when necessary. Tenacious to the point of stubbornness, but very respectful of others' boundaries and feelings. His love for others is an ocean - abundant, impossible to ignore, and as vast as it is deep.
Physical affection, flowers, music, clear nights, picnics, lounging in the sun, the smell of the forest, making others laugh, tea with honey, savory foods, reading (after learning how), monetary compensation, bathing before going to bed
Injustice, swimming, coffee, excessive greed, corruption, unnecessary dishonesty, sweets in general, most alcohol, irresoluteness, being alone for too long
Non-WoL AUs
Works as a courier; also an infiltrator and assassin for the right price. Based in Gridania. Wields a bow, not a Bard. His mother is missing; she died, and he suspects as much, but no one knows for sure, so he holds out hope for her return. His father - distraught at the sudden disappearance of his beloved after an argument - came home, and took the opportunity to teach Mikh'a how to read and write. He is fiercely protective of his daughter, born of a brief relationship with a troubled Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te woman who is no longer part of their lives. He is more cautious, serious, quiet, and discerning, but is still warm, affectionate, resilient, and tenacious.

Reference Photos> Post EW Outfit Refs (Imgur)
> Post SHB Outfit Refs (Imgur)
> Canon Outfits by Era (Twitter)
> Old Glamours (Twitter)


ReShade Preset:
Alive ReShade (XIV Mod Archive)


AzemName: Aristaeus
Age: Unknown
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Orientation: Pansexual, would be polyamorous but they abstain from close relations
Race: Amaurotine
Nameday: Unknown
Hometown: Amaurot
Canon Jobs: (to be added)
Height: 6'0" / 182 cm
Build: Tall and slim, runner's build
Skin tone: White, pale
Hair Color: Light cream
Eye Color: Azem and all their shards have the same dark blue eyes (#2A3750)
Scars/marks: None
Facial hair: None
Piercings: Many ear piercings (get creative!)
Clothing: When not wearing Amaurotine robes, they wear pretty much anything you'll find when you Google image search "Korean airport fashion"
Playful and mischievous, a trickster with a heart of gold, but a gold that was only for others, never themself. Aristaeus never entered into a relationship with anyone, ostensibly because they were clueless to others' affections, but in actuality they felt deeply unworthy. They loved every living thing but couldn't allow themself to receive love in return. It felt too risky; too much was at stake. It was so much safer to be the benevolent Traveler, seeking knowledge, providing aid and succor, hiding willful altruism behind a mask of incorrigible mischief, adored but distant, able to summon allies to assist others but never using that ability when they needed it themself. Ultimately this led to them imbuing their soul with magicks that would prevent the sundered shards of themself from remembering their shared past life, a prayer in the hopes that wherever those fragments ended up, they would never know the self-inflicted loneliness they came from.
In Relation to Mikh'a
Mikh'a is not the first shard of Azem to exist on the Source, he's just the first to survive a Calamity. The previous incarnations died during each Calamity, with the resulting Rejoinings making Azem's shard stronger, until Mikh'a, who was strong enough to survive the Seventh Umbral Calamity. In fact, for the sake of his story, his survival is essentially what triggers the events of FFXIV - Azem's shard finally being strong enough to survive a Rejoining signals two things: Hydaelyn is reaching the end of her strength, and her Champion is now strong enough to face Zodiark.
By Azem's design, Mikh'a has no access to any memories of his life as Azem, aside from a vague sense of familiarity when hearing about them and a persistent feeling of déjà vu while in Elpis. Azem wanted the sundered remains of their soul to be their own individuals, though there wasn't really a way for them to completely remove their influence. Azem's shards were left with a (very fitting) feeling of being wanderers, even in their own skin.After finding out about his past life as Azem, Mikh'a felt sort of relieved. He had always felt like he was more than just himself, but he couldn't quite place his finger on why, and no one around him understood what he meant. Learning about the 13 shards and then Azem made it all click into place for him. So when Mikh'a got the chance to ask questions in Elpis, he definitely took the opportunity and ran with it...at least as much as he could while maintaining the "Azem's familiar" pretense. The more he learned about Azem, the more "settled" he felt in himself, like he was doing the right thing and being the person he was "meant" to be.

TriviaMany of these are from WoL/OC questions I've answered on Twitter. Lots of bite-sized fun facts to be found here, in no particular order. Bolded keywords for easier reading! Beware spoilers!Partially deaf in his left ear due to an illness in childhood. Anything he hears on his left sounds as if it's far away and being filtered through water. He has a hearing aid but rarely uses it, preferring to save it for important political meetings and other situations where listening is vital.• Alphinaud taught him how to read. His family being mostly hunters and farmers meant they had no reason (or money) to teach the younger kids how to read. He was able to conceal his inability until he joined the Scions, where he felt the need to confess to the person he came to trust most in the group. Due to his embarrassment, Alphinaud offered to teach him in secret and he now enjoys reading, particularly fantasy stories.• He has a nervous habit of grabbing the end of his tail and holding it against his chest. After witnessing the scolding two of his cousins received for destroying something expensive while being too rowdy, he worries about accidentally knocking things over with his tail.• He does not know any of his family from his father's side and does not consider himself to be related to or part of the I tribe. He even forgets sometimes that his father is a Seeker of the Sun, since their entire family refers to him simply as Shilo Rintala rather than I'shilo Tia.• His family bonds through music. They have made up many of their own songs, which they sing while working, resting, celebrating, or whenever the mood strikes them. They don't write down the lyrics, so sometimes they change the words to fit whichever situations are currently relevant. Mikh'a is a decent singer and can play the harp and lute.• He got the scar on his cheek by accidentally grazing himself with one of his chakrams during his fight with Zenos in Ala Mhigo.• He cannot cook. He can heat up food (including meat) and make basic meals like sandwiches or oatmeal, but combining ingredients to make appetizing dishes is somehow too much for him.• He maintains a personal apartment in Empyreum. Edmont de Fortemps initially purchased it with the intention of gifting it to Haurchefant upon his betrothal, but it was ultimately given to Mikh'a in his stead. Aside from Mikh'a, only G'raha and Tataru have keys to the apartment, and they only visit if absolutely necessary. It's the one place he goes to when he needs to be alone.• He purrs while sleeping, when happy or relaxed, or when he's alone and in need of comfort (e.g. when feeling ill or sad). He's a bit embarrassed about purring in front of others because he feels it's a childish habit, but when he trusts someone he may purr in front of them without realizing.• Since he comes from a big family, instead of celebrating individual birthdays, they all get together once a year and celebrate for a week straight during the harvest season. He doesn't actually know specifically what day he was born, just that he was born in autumn. (Twitter)• Despite his hatred of being wet, he bathes every night before bed. It's his way of leaving the day behind him, as well as not bringing the grime of adventure into the sanctuary of his bed.Before he became an adventurer, he helped his family hunt and farm, and rebuild their home after the Calamity. He decided to try adventuring to make money to send home, particularly to support his young daughter, but didn't expect much success - thinking he'd get by for a year and end up going back. When he signed up at the Adventurer's Guild, he told Mother Miounne he couldn't read or write; she said "you're not the first one" and asked him to sound out his name. She didn't offer to teach him, but told him he could bring things to her if he needed them read, free of charge.• Mikh'a was the type of kid who would find another kid while out playing or exploring and invite them home for dinner. Despite their family being big and not well-off, there was always plenty of food to go around, so his family was never surprised to see an unfamiliar face at the table. New kids were treated like part of the family as long as they were present, even if they were only ever seen once.• His family is big on nicknames - everyone has at least one. They call Mikh'a "Meerkat." Since leaving his family he's grown a bit embarrassed by it, but old habits are hard to break.• His guardian deity is Nophica, and though he now sees the gods for what they are, he's still retained some of the superstitions of his youth. He gives thanks for his food before every meal and takes care to avoid destroying nature needlessly.• He started as an archer and eventually became a Bard, but in a fit of despair after Haurchefant's death, he damaged his hands attempting to open the doors to the Crystal Tower, which made wielding a bow too difficult. While healing in Ishgard, a fateful encounter led to him embracing the role of a Dark Knight. After the end of the Dragonsong War he spent some time traveling Eorzea and ended up meeting Troupe Falsiam, who started him on his journey to becoming a realm-renowned Dancer. (Twitter)• The bow he uses at the beginning of his adventures belonged to his father, who was an archer himself before he became a Paladin. Mikh'a and his father are both gifted with the Echo; his mother is not.• He has two animal companions. When he was a teenager he adopted a young hunting hawk he named Lehti ("leaf"), who assists him when he's hunting and occasionally carries messages to his family. While in Yanxia he rescued an orphaned fox kit he named Kettu ("fox").• Haurchefant gifted Mikh'a a white Chocobo, which he named Lumi ("snow"). She normally stays with his family to help out with farm work, though he will occasionally borrow her when he needs to take a long trip.• His other mounts include an Amaro named Tahti ("star") and a True Griffin named Aina ("always"). He was given the Griffin after saving Ala Mhigo, and the Amaro - Seto's offspring - after saving the First.• His favorite flowers are sunflowers, but he can often be seen carrying or wearing white lilies, the representative flower of Gridania. He is sentimental and likes to carry a piece of home with him when able.• Mikh'a was never in danger of becoming a sin eater. He was able to siphon off enough of the excess Light-aspected aether to prevent himself from being consumed by it. He did this by creating many planter pots made out of Light aether and smashing them all over time to dissipate the aether slowly and harmlessly back into the environment - an idea he came up with after remembering the trouble his cousins got into for destroying expensive clay pots when they were young. As a result of his creative solution, Emet-Selch challenges Mikh'a to fight with him "as an almost-equal" after he defeats Innocence, instead of kidnapping the Exarch.• He has a daughter, Rhemi Rintala, who was only 6 years old when he left home to become an adventurer. She was born of a brief relationship with a troubled Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te woman who is no longer part of their lives. Rhemi is excitable and has trouble with focus and memory, and because this can sometimes cause problems with others, Mikh'a is fiercely protective of her.• Mikh'a owns a small house in the Lavender Beds, close enough for family to visit but far enough away to afford him some privacy. Though he is often traveling, he tries to spend time there when he can, and particularly enjoys the presence of his two Miqo'te lovers there whenever they're available.• Canonically, Mikh'a employs one retainer, an eccentric Hyuran woman who goes by the moniker Basil the Bard. She and Mikh'a are around the same age, and she's been a friend of the Rintala family since the two were teenagers. After Mikh'a gained notoriety as the Defender of Eorzea, the wandering Bard reached out to him and insisted upon becoming his retainer, despite his protestations. She has assumed the responsibilities of selling goods Mikh'a obtains but doesn't need, procuring items that may prove useful to him, and taking care of his house when he's away.• (OOC) Many of the names I use for Mikh'a's lore are a mix of Miqo'te and Finnish. The accent I have in mind for him is also similar to Finnish. Not for any particular reason - I don't even speak Finnish - it just worked out that way!

RelationshipsThis page is almost always under construction. I'll add all the characters with relationship dynamics that are specific to Mikh'a eventually.
Beware MSQ spoilers.
Family: He is very close with his family, but is also surprisingly private about them, revealing only what's necessary and only when required. He believes the less people know about them, the safer they'll be. Aside from Tataru, none of the Scions have heard much about his family, except that he comes from humble means and that they are important to him. He is quite frugal so that he can send money to his family whenever they are in need. (See also: backstory)Alphinaud: Mikh'a has essentially adopted Alphinaud as his younger brother. He loves to tease Alphy, but only when doing so won't undermine Alphinaud's authority. He plays the part of big brother well, often acting as confidant and advisor, offering realistic encouragement and fair admonishment when needed. Mikh'a is perhaps the person Alphinaud trusts most in the world aside from his sister. Though he protested at first, Alphinaud has grown used to receiving physical affection from Mikh'a and no longer bats an eye when Mikh'a uses his (fluffy) head as a chin rest. After seeing how much affection means to him, Alphinaud now knows the best way to comfort Mikh'a is with a hug, which he is glad to offer without prompting.Alisaie: It's clear to Mikh'a that Alisaie has a crush on him, but he has made it equally clear to her that their relationship is familial in nature. It hasn't seemed to change her feelings for him, but she does respect him more for establishing boundaries. They both feel comfortable showing each other platonic affection. Alisaie occasionally resorts to violence when embarrassed by his lighthearted teasing, but Mikh'a finds her outbursts endearing. He is very protective of her and plays a role similar to his relationship with Alphinaud, giving advice and comfort whenever he finds her in need. Alisaie is sometimes shy about letting him see her feelings, but she trusts him deeply and is always grateful when he pulls her close while she cries.Tataru: Due to the extensive travel and many responsibilities required of the Warrior of Light, Mikh'a asked Tataru to keep his family updated about his condition and whereabouts as often as time and circumstances permitted. He did not expect her to share more than basic details, but over the course of their correspondence, Tataru became close personal friends with his mother. They chat via linkpearl regularly, gossiping and confiding in each other, sometimes to Mikh'a's chagrin. But he appreciates their relationship and is grateful that Tataru has more or less become part of his family. In return, she respects his desire to keep any information about his family as private as possible.Y'shtola: Though she is only a few years older than him, Y'shtola reminds Mikh'a of his mother. So much, in fact, that one look from her is enough to put him in his place. They agree on many important issues and Mikh'a often solicits her advice. She tolerates his playfulness to an extent and has become more playful herself since meeting him, but her responsible nature sometimes causes strain between them. Still, Mikh'a respects her and appreciates her efforts, and she rewards his "good behavior" by fondly ruffling his hair.Aymeric: The first thought Mikh'a had upon meeting Aymeric was "that has got to be the most attractive man in Eorzea." Over the course of their time together, both developed feelings for each other, but never acted on their feelings due to the unavoidable potential for political consequences. Ultimately they came to the unspoken agreement that nothing would happen between them, but both are still fond of each other and there is much respect between them.Estinien: Mikh'a finds Estinien equal parts frustrating and amusing. On one hand, Mikh'a wants to kick his ass for disappearing when the Scions really could've used his help. On the other, he finds it hilarious that Estinien takes himself so seriously. Mikh'a adores Estinien's and Alphinaud's budding brotherhood and is grateful that they get along so well. He occasionally feels a little jealous when Alphinaud is distracted by his concern for Estinien, but Alisaie teases him for it, reminding him that Estinien is not the only older brother figure Alphinaud cares for. Estinien, meanwhile, privately has a lot of respect for Mikh'a and is more glad to be in the Scions' company than he lets on.Haurchefant: Mikh'a greatly respected Haurchefant and took comfort in his presence. Though he rejected Haurchefant's advances, the two became incredibly close, both sharing things in confidence that neither had been courageous enough to express to others. His death dealt a devastating blow to Mikh'a, who temporarily lost faith in himself and the world.G'raha: The short version: they adore each other. The long version: Sunshine and MoonlightMother Miounne: More than just the proprietress of Gridania's Adventurer's Guild, Mother Miounne has become a trusted friend and advisor to Mikh'a. She treated him with patience and good will even when he couldn't write his own name in the ledger, and for her role in guiding him on his journeys, he occasionally sends her gil or trinkets from his travels. Upon returning home after he nearly died fighting Zenos at the edge of the universe, he presented her with the Elpis flower he carried on his journey.Y'mhitra Rhul: Mikh'a met her by chance in Gridania and, after finding out that she's Y'shtola's sister, invited her to his family's home for dinner. His daughter took a shine to her immediately, and every time Mikh'a comes home he's met with new stories of Rhemi's adventures with "Aunt Mhitra."

Sunshine and Moonlight(Spoilers for Crystal Tower, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers through 5.3!)Mikh'a's first impression of G'raha was that he was irresponsible and arrogant. He made his irritation clear as soon as G'raha was within reach, grabbing him by the collar and reprimanding him for wasting precious time. G'raha apologized, and when it came time to explore the tower, Mikh'a insisted that G'raha come along to prove his dedication to the project. G'raha was surprisingly grateful and made himself more than useful at every opportunity. Mikh'a's unfavorable first impression warmed into respect, then admiration, and finally a hope that something more could develop in the future. But by the time his feelings had developed to that point, it was too late to say anything - G'raha was closing the doors to the Crystal Tower. Mikh'a tossed his lucky necklace to G'raha - "so you'll remember me when you wake up" - and his heart ached with grief as he watched him walk away.After the death of his dear friend Haurchefant, Mikh'a disappeared for a while. No one was able to contact or locate him until Cid thought to check the Crystal Tower. He found Mikh'a unconscious on the ground, the doors and his arms covered in blood. Upon recovering, he explained that Haurchefant's death made him feel powerless and reminded him of his belief that he had failed G'raha. "If I had been stronger, none of this would've happened. Haurchefant would still be here...and G'raha would never have needed to seal himself inside the tower to protect us." He had tried to beat and claw his way into the tower, permanently damaging his hands and making it too difficult to wield a bow. After a fateful encounter during his recovery, he took up the greatsword to become a Dark Knight, and during his travels following the end of the Dragonsong War he came across Troupe Falsiam, who taught him how to wield the more lightweight chakrams of a Dancer.Mikh'a spent the time between then and his journey to the First visiting the Crystal Tower as often as he could, pressuring the researchers to find a way to open the doors and earning himself the nickname "The Terror of Saint Coinach's Find." He kept a journal of his adventures, and in the doomed timeline his last entry was a hastily written apology to G'raha for not being able to provide a better world for him to wake up to, as well as regret that he couldn't see him one more time. This journal was one of the things entrusted to G'raha when he was awoken 200 years later.Despite Urianger's warning that Mikh'a would recognize him, the Crystal Exarch tried to conceal his identity anyway, hoping to avoid causing Mikh'a the pain of losing him twice. As expected, Mikh'a recognized him immediately - "same height, same build, same voice...same lips. No matter how much time's passed or what's changed, I'd recognize you anywhere." After a long talk and many tears shed inside the Ocular, the Exarch agreed to reveal his identity to the Scions, though he continued to conceal it from the people of the Crystarium for some time.During their time on the First, their relationship developed slowly. Mikh'a was cautious, knowing that the Tower was slowly crystallizing G'raha and not wanting to hurt either of them by pushing for a relationship with an inevitable expiration date. This did not entirely stop their relationship from getting warmer, however. In fact, many nights G'raha would end up sleeping side by side with Mikh'a, and in the mornings they'd find themselves a tangle of limbs and tails. Though they never even kissed, the affection between them was difficult to hide - to the point that the Scions privately teased Mikh'a, congratulating him for "finally making it official, after all the times we've heard about your adventures together in that blasted tower!"After returning the Scions' souls to their bodies on the Source, Mikh'a sprinted straight to the Crystal Tower with the Exarch's soul crystal. When the doors opened, relief flooded from his eyes, but was quickly replaced by worry that the crystal may not take. When G'raha awoke, the silence of his first moments made Mikh'a anxious and concerned. After a short time spent processing and integrating his souls' memories, G'raha seemed to realize where - and who - he was, as well as who was by his side. He greeted Mikh'a with a kiss.Since then, the two have been nearly inseparable. They announced their relationship officially, to both their allies and the Rintala family. G'raha immediately received a warm welcome to the family and the nickname Razz, much to his embarrassment (and delight). Mikh'a, however, continues to call him Raha, as well as "my love" and "moonlight."What does the future hold for our adventurous catboys? Only time will tell. Stay tuned!

Backstory(Sorry this section is so long! Refer to the pronunciation guide if you'd like.)The Mender:
Mikh Rintala was the youngest of 6 sisters in a small, tight-knit Keeper of the Moon clan which made its home in the Black Shroud. Being the youngest, she was often spoiled and coddled by her older sisters, who affectionately referred to her as Miki. From the beginning, her dream was to explore the realm, but her sisters forbade it, claiming it was too dangerous for such a young Miqo'te. They taught her weaving with the hope that a creative task might distract her from her wanderlust. Though she picked it up quickly, her natural curiosity could not be satisfied by such menial pursuits, and she begged her sisters to allow her to leave. As a compromise, they encouraged her to study conjury and alchemy, which they knew would come in handy if their adventurous baby sister ever managed to find trouble.
----------The Merchant:
I'shilo Tia never dreamed of becoming Nunh of the Seeker of the Sun tribe he was born into. Rather than fighting for the strength to overpower the other males of the tribe, his natural charisma drew him to more social pursuits. With a knack for persuasion and a nose for good deals, it was almost inevitable that he would become a traveling merchant for his tribe. Though he had no intention of challenging his tribe's Nunh, he took up archery, and in so doing learned to defend himself and to hunt while on the road. Between cooking game, fish, and various forageables, he learned to make delicious and satisfying meals for himself and any companions he encountered in his journeys.
----------The Meeting:
While browsing the markets of Gridania, I'shilo caught sight of the most beautiful jewel he had ever seen. This jewel, as you might suspect, was a young Miqo'te woman by the name of Mikh. She had come to the markets in search of various materiel for her crafting experiments and found, instead, a charming young Miqo'te man...in whom she was not the least bit interested. Seeking to impress her, I'shilo personally haggled and paid for every item on her shopping list. Despite his best efforts, he could not seem to catch her attention, until he told her that he was able to find the best prices on her supplies due to his experience as a traveling merchant. In this, she saw the door to her dreams opening.
----------The Marriage:
Though it was clear to everyone that the man cared for the woman more than she for him, his ample experience with both travel and combat gave the Rintala sisters the assurance they needed to allow their youngest to leave the Black Shroud. Over the course of the next two years, I'shilo's love for Mikh grew beyond his love for anything else, while her appetite for adventure magnified with every new discovery. Eventually, I'shilo made the decision to leave his tribe - not to start one of his own as a Nunh, but to join Mikh's Keeper of the Moon clan as her lover. They married in the markets of Gridania, with I'shilo taking his wife's surname to honor his new family.
----------The Mother:
Their first child was a boy, a rosy and sanguine bundle of smiles, with his father's natural charm and his mother's insatiable curiosity. In keeping with their clan's tradition, they named him Mikh'a, and for a time they settled down in the Black Shroud to raise him. The Rintala sisters were delighted, for they themselves had many children and adored the new nephew their baby sister had brought into the world. The cousins, for their part, were enchanted by their aunt and uncle's stories of exploration, adventure, and faraway places, and soon memorized the many tales they told. But it wasn't long until Mikh became restless, having drunk deeply of adventure and finding herself now parched, feeling only confinement in the familiarity of her surroundings. Before her longing could give way to despair, her sisters gave their blessing for Mikh and I'shilo to return to their travels and offered to raise young Mikh'a, who was as content in the presence of his aunts as he was with his own parents. Though I'shilo was reluctant to part with his son, his love for his wife and concern for her safety willed him to follow her once again into the unknown.
----------The Malady:
Young Mikh'a grew well and quickly in the presence of his doting aunts and energetic cousins. He asked about his parents often and was rewarded with the tales his cousins had begged to hear a hundred times. Occasionally he would receive letters from them on their journeys and his aunts would gather the children around to hear of the pair's latest adventures. Over time, the letters became less frequent, but Mikh'a never felt the absence of his parents clearly until the summer he fell ill. It happened gradually, with a fatigue his aunts attributed to the heat until weakness prevented him from leaving his bed. It wasn't until he developed a raging fever that his mother returned, alone and emotionally preoccupied, to tend to him. Her conjury and alchemy training allowed her to save her son's life, but the prolonged illness took most of the hearing in his left ear, as well as leaving him with headaches and bouts of weakness throughout the remainder of his adolescence.
----------The Missing:
When pressed for the whereabouts of her husband, Mikh did not initially respond. Her brow furrowed and her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she defiantly refused to answer, treating the issue as an annoyance rather than a concern. He would turn up eventually, she was certain, but her certainty did little to reassure her sisters and less to comfort her son. When he did not arrive after weeks of waiting, her son growing more anxious the longer she stalled, she finally confessed. Mikh had long suspected that she had no interest in men, and being married to one made her realize she could not return his love. She had told him she wanted the freedom to explore her sexuality, and when he misinterpreted her request, they fought. Upon clarifying her intent, her desire to be with women, and her long-standing suspicion that she could not be attracted to men, I'shilo left in silence, devastated and dejected, for where she did not know.
----------The Mystery:
Moons passed, with Mikh leaving alone on frequent but short excursions, craving her freedom but cognizant of her responsibility to her son, who was now more reticent and anxious. The gravity of his illness did not escape him, and he worried for his father, though his mother assured him I'shilo was more than capable of taking care of himself. The Rintala sisters, now irritated by their youngest sister's flippant disregard for her estranged husband's whereabouts, did what they could to find him, often taking trips to the markets in Gridania to ask the merchants if they had heard from him. Though they exhausted all their options, their efforts were for naught, and it began to seem unlikely that they would ever discover his fate. None had seen or heard from him since his disappearance, and Mikh'a wept for the loss of a father he could scarce remember.
----------The Mercenary:
The following spring, Mikh'a was woken early one morning by a great commotion outside. One of the cousins, having wandered out to check on the traps the clan left out to catch wild game, had spotted a heavily armored man with a sword searching the forest close to their home. The clan prepared to defend themselves if necessary, with Mikh'a grabbing the bow he had taken up in honor of his father. Though he proved to be a decent shot, Mikh'a wasn't confident he could handle the bow well enough to protect his family. They waited in silence, hearts pounding, hoping the stranger would pass by without stopping, but the sound of his armor drew closer by the minute. Mikh'a nocked an arrow and drew back the bowstring, controlled his breath, and took aim. Suddenly, the sound of armor stopped and a voice, almost familiar, as if from a long forgotten dream, called out. I'shilo had come home.
----------The Motive:
He had been in Ul'dah, he explained, and had not heard the news of his son's illness. As Mikh'a wept in his arms, I'shilo apologized and assured him, had he known, he would have returned far sooner, with or without his estranged wife's blessing. It had been nearly a year since they parted, a year in which he forced himself to come to terms with the fact that the woman he loved, whom he would give up everything for, could not return his feelings. He needed time to ask himself what he wanted if he couldn't have her love. The answer he arrived at was a simple one. Whether it be love or friendship, he wanted to remain by her side for all the years ahead of him. But after coming to this realization, he wondered if he was truly strong enough to remain at her side. Was there a better way to aid her? Would his support be enough to mend the rift between them? Having found himself in Ul'dah during his crisis of morality, he made the unlikely decision to pick up a sword and shield, to fight in the coliseum and learn the ways of the paladins, whose strength was designed for protecting one's allies, not simply felling one's enemies. As he finished his tale, a figure in the doorway caught his attention. His eyes met those of his beloved, his dearest friend Mikh, and for the first time he saw her cry.
----------The Mended:
Many years have passed since this tale began. Though much was required in the process, the wounds have healed stronger than they were at the start. Mikh and I'shilo divorced amicably and have grown much closer as friends than they ever were as lovers. Mikh will ever remain curious, but her greatest period of wanderlust is long behind her. She and I'shilo still travel as a pair, and I'shilo has proven to be an excellent wingman for the woman he adores. The Rintala sisters still live in the Black Shroud, though even their youngest children have all grown up and begun to make their own lives. As for Mikh'a, he stays in touch with his family and makes time to visit them whenever he can. While still partially deaf in one ear, his headaches and episodes of weakness plague him far less frequently than they once did. He has many trials left to face, but his innate strength and the support of his friends and family will carry him through them all.

Favorite Cutscenes(Mostly for my own reference, but I'd love to see screenshots of your WoL in these scenes too!)• Dragonsong Main Scenario > Winning Over the Wyrm > Cutscene #2
• Dragonsong Main Scenario > An End to the Song > Cutscene #8
• Shadowbringers Main Scenario > A Feast of Lies > Cutscene #4
• Shadowbringers Main Scenario > Extinguishing the Last Light > Cutscene #5
• Shadowbringers Main Scenario > Shadowbringers > Cutscene #5
• Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario > Hope's Confluence > Cutscene #1 & #5
• Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario > Reflections in Crystal > Cutscene #3 & #4

Pronunciation GuideMikh'a ("MEEK-uh")
Rintala ("REEN-tah-lah")
Mikh ("meek")/Miki ("meeky")
I'shilo ("ee-SHEE-loh")/Shilo ("SHEE-loh")

"Yours is a long road, my friend, and it stretches on to places beyond imagining. With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. On that day, I bid you remember this... That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there. For in times of hardship, when you fear you cannot go on... The joy you have known, the pain you have felt, the prayers you have whispered and answered - they shall ever be your strength and your comfort. This I hope - I believe, here at memory's end."


A gif of the classic kitty cat dance meme.

InfoMikh'a Rintala «Relax»
Apartment: Empyreum Ward 10 Ingleside #9
Personal house: Lavender Beds Ward 21 South Subdivision Plot 43
FC house: Shirogane Ward 6 Plot 14
Other characters:
You'll Live (Aether/Adamantoise)
Mercy Mayhem (Crystal/Coeurl)
Rhemi Rintala (Dynamis/Halicarnassus)
Sana Izumi (Primal/Excalibur)
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